1633 Page 18
They spent the day butchering the bear and preparing the meat and skin for transport back to the landing site. When they arrived, the story spread quickly. By the evening, even Heinrich and Svend didn't recognize the tale. Everyone enjoyed the fresh meat that night.
* * *
After two weeks, Luke decided that they had done all they could with the building supplies they had and announced that they would sail as soon as the Coquette returned. If he waited any longer, he might not be able to sail for Hudson’s Bay this season. "We'll take a day of rest and then start loading fresh water and wood. The Coquette should be here by then." As they finished loading the last of the water casks, two sails were sighted to the northeast.
The Coquette returned with the Wilhelm. As soon as they anchored, boats were lowered and their captains came ashore to confer with Luke. He greeted them as they landed. "Jan, it's good to see you. How are things in Christianburg?"
"It's going well. Your timing on the letters was excellent. Both fishing boats were loaded with fish and just about to sail when the Coquette arrived. Captain James had copies made of your letters and sent them on both ships. In case something happened to one of them, the other should still get delivered."
"Just like Thomas, always planning for possible problems. How is the convention doing? I know he wasn't happy to be stuck with running it."
"It was finishing when I left. As you surmised, it was raucous, but Thomas handled it well. From what he told me, just before I sailed, the results were exactly what you two had worked out beforehand." Jan gave Luke a cynical stare.
Luke feigned surprise. "I'm shocked, shocked I say! Why would I do such a thing? It was all decided by the people." He managed, just, to not smile when he said it.
De Puyter shook his head in disbelief. "In any case, it's done. I brought the tools and extra lumber we had cut to help start up here. Four of the miners came along to get things started. What are your plans now? Thomas assumed you probably would finish your voyage, but won't be worried if you miss your deadline. He said to tell you, just make sure you're there by late July, or things might get dicey for Hudson's Bay this year. That is, if you still plan to go this year."
"Yes, yes. We’re still going. I’m ready to sail now. If you and Captain Gilbert would join me for a celebratory drink, I'll fill you both in on where we are here and what needs completing." Luke pointed toward a roughly finished cabin. They all walked over, admiring the work that had already been done.
The next morning, the Köbenhavn raised anchor and set off on the remainder of her exploration voyage.
Chapter 24
Mid June, 1634, West coast of Newfoundland
The trip along the west coast of Newfoundland was quick and uneventful. The Köbenhavn made landfall twice, once to check for mineral deposits and once to replenish food and water. Gunther reported that the terrain was favorable, but nothing significant was found by the prospectors. Luke’s frustration was mounting. The trip was running much longer than he had planned. Coal and iron were valuable, but they didn’t have the appeal that gold and silver fostered. If he was going to get the miners they needed to realize the enormous profit potential of the coal and iron, he had to have the lure of gold, or at least silver to lure them to the undeveloped land.
The days were long and much warmer than when they had left Christianburg. The good weather just served to highlight that summer was moving on. If they didn’t return soon to Christianburg, the entire expedition would run into serious problems if they still tried to sail for Hudson’s Bay this year. A decision was needed, but Luke still held out hope that at least a start could be made in Hudson’s Bay this season. He once more had his cabin covered in maps and paper. The west coast had been his original goal for coal deposits, but the events in Cape Breton had relegated the smaller Newfoundland deposits to a remote contingency. Their location, and questionable size, turned his final hopes to the possibility of rare metals along the north coast.
The charts seemed to indicate the north shore was where the best possibility for a substantial strike could be made. He had to find some indication of gold and silver, or his backers, and the miners, could be fickle and desert him. The long term profits from the iron and coal should prove to be enormous, but he needed something now. Time was becoming a factor. He had to concentrate on one area or he would miss sailing for Hudson's Bay completely this year. The problem was, which one? Nothing seemed to jump out and say ‘Dig here!’ He asked Svend to join him as he reviewed the maps one last time.
Luke handed Svend a map covered in hand written comments. "Here's what I have for information. These markings indicate where the up-timers mentioned traces of the metals we're seeking. The researchers that helped me tried to include everything they found. The problem is that many of the references didn't say exactly where and how much was found. The writing has gotten smeared and I can't read all of it. It seems the whole north coast has traces, but nothing is positively identified." Frustration was written all over his face and in the set of his shoulders. "I'd hoped a fresh set of eyes might help."
Svend leaned over and studied the maps. "What's this sign mean, by Baie Verte? I can't make out what the legend says this symbol is for."
Luke picked up the map and stared at the spot. "I can’t tell either. I'm afraid my eyes are getting old," he said. "Can you make out anything better by the light?"
Svend took the map and held it up to the hanging light. He could see something, but it was faint. On a hunch, he turned the map over and checked the back. In the light shining through the paper, he could read the legend in reverse. "It says new strike. They found something there. Some type of mining must have been done!"
"Then that's our destination." Luke called up through his cabin light, "Mr. Barrow! Check your charts and set a course for Baie Verte!"
Five days later, the Köbenhavn dropped anchor off a rocky cove. The high expectations that Luke felt had been conveyed to the crew and everyone was anxious to get the surveyors ashore to start their work. Luke gave them some words of caution before they departed. "I know this area holds a great deal of promise, but don't forget to exercise care." He looked straight at Karl. "Last time you got careless and almost died because of it. I don't want to have to read a funeral service before we get back to Christianburg. Do your jobs right and find what we've been searching for. Good luck. Carry on, Mr. Reinhardt!"
"You heard the captain! Into the boats and let's shove off. Sooner started, sooner finished." The six members of the survey party went over the side and down the battens to the boats. Their gear was lowered to them and they shoved off for shore.
* * *
The map showed an area that should be about a day’s march inland. Gunther stared at the topographical map, trying to relate the elevation lines to the forested area they had stopped in. They should be just about there. The problem was, all the area was forested. One rocky slope looked just like the next when you couldn’t get a clear view of any distant landmarks. By dead reckoning, with the compass and hiking times, they should be near the stream on the map. He folded up the map and placed it carefully back in the waterproof pouch. “We’ll head north for another half hour. If we haven’t hit the stream by then, I’ll need someone to climb a tree and try to get some bearings on the hills we should be near.” Everyone looked at Karl, who was the skinniest of the party.
“Alright, I can take a hint! I’ll do it if I have too.” He shouldered his pack and headed north, hoping they hit the stream soon. The party crested a rise that had left everyone scrambling for hand holds on the scrub trees, to try and pull themselves up the rocky ground. When they reached the ridge line, the sound of rushing water was could be distinctly heard below.
Karl looked relieved that he wouldn’t have to climb a tree. Joseph walked up behind him and said deadpan, “Looks like you get to save your climbing skills until you run into your next bear.” Karl turned beet red as the rest of the party broke out laughing.
Down the slope, two
streams joined just before a small waterfall. Gunther pulled the map out in a hurry. He thought he recognized the terrain from the map. After a moment comparing the map to the scenery he announced, “This looks to be about a half mile downstream from where the uptime mine was located. We’ll start panning here to see what the stream might have washed down from there.” They all shrugged off their packs. “Let’s set up camp first and start after we have a good meal.”
After a meal of venison stew, tools were passed out for the survey work. Gunther handed Karl and Franz pans and pointed toward the waterfall. “I want the two of you to work around the base of the falls. Hopefully, you should have some luck with the pans. Joseph and I will head upstream and see if we can locate the main vein.
* * *
Ten days passed without any sign from the survey party. Tempers aboard ship were starting to fray. That night a lookout thought he saw signs of a fire on a hill to the west. Later the next morning, Gunther and Joseph finally arrived back at the beach and were rowed out to the ship. Gunther boarded with a grim look on his face. Luke hurried over to the railing. If only two had returned, something serious must have happened. He had been increasingly worried about time, since this had taken so long. Now it looked like he might have a service to read. As he reached Gunther, Luke saw him break into a broad grin. "We found it, Captain! Your researchers were right about the area. There's a stream with paying metal in it and it eventually led us back to the main deposit. It’s a combination of copper and gold. It's not going to be easy to mine, but it should pay handsomely, with the right gear. The others stayed at the site. They wanted to make sure the vein we found didn’t peter out just below the surface." He reached into his pack and pulled out a large leather bag. When he finished untying the knots, he spread it open to reveal a handful of gold and copper encrusted rocks. “There’s a whole wonderful, beautiful vein where these came from!”
When the word spread through the crew, they raised a huzzah and started celebrating.
Gunther took Luke aside to fill him in more on the extent of the find. "We didn’t see any sign of any other people the whole trip. Game was plentiful and didn’t act afraid at the sight of us. I felt it was safe to leave the rest of the party at the site. Joseph came back with me as a guide. He’ll head back now to guide the rest back to the ship. Now that we know the route, it shouldn’t be more than four days until they’re back. Franz and Karl are doing some additional surveying and digging to see if there're more indications in the area.” He held up the bag. “This should make our voyage."
Luke looked toward the shore. "It's already been made, Gunther. This just means the workers we need will come. They won't all find gold, but they can all find work." He took Gunther to his cabin for a toast to their find.
* * *
A week later found the Köbenhavn standing off the new loading dock at Christianburg, preparing to tie up from her journey. A boat from the Henrietta Marie had just brought Captain James ashore and was tying up. Captain James and Captain Andersen stood on the dock as a welcoming party. The Kristinawas anchored downwind from the dock. She and the Henrietta Marie were the only ships in the harbor. Svend's heart sank at the implication. Suddenly, from the fort, a salute rang out and a new flag was raised. Forest green with a maroon colored beaver outlined in gold. Luke had his gunner return the salute with a four-pounder on the main deck.
Captain James called out after the last echo, "Were you successful?"
A grinning Luke leaned over the rail. "In all respects Thomas. Summon the settlers, we'll tell the story to them all at once!"
An hour later, all the settlers who could steal away from their duties met in the new community hall. The air was full of resin scent from the unfinished boards. Luke recounted their adventures on Cape Breton and then gave the news on the gold discovery on the north coast. Captain James then read the results from the convention and proudly pointed out the new flag. Luke got back up and motioned for silence. “When we left three months ago I prayed that God would grant us success in starting a new life. Our original intentions were to start a small outpost here and then sail on to Hudson’s Bay with the majority of our settlers. With the loss of the Hamburg and these new discoveries, we need to revise our plans and expand our efforts here. I still plan to lead a group to Hudson’s Bay this season, but it will be smaller and will simply start a new settlement for others to join next year. Over the next few days, I will meet with Captain Andersen and your new leaders to determine who will need to stay and who will go. I still plan to sail this month.” Luke sat down. Someone at the back of the hall stood up, “Three cheers for the Captain! Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah!” By this time, the cooks were ready with the feast and everyone settled down to some serious eating. As the meal was winding down, a dejected Svend approached Captain James. "Has there been no word on the Hamburg ?"
"I'm sorry, son, but it looks like she's gone."
Svend hung his head and walked slowly away. With the ongoing festivities, no one heard him mutter, "I still don't think she's gone." From across the room, Joseph saw the exchange and walked outside to join Svend in case he needed a friend. They sat by the harbor in silence until the sun set.
Chapter 25
July, 1634, Christianburg Harbor
The morning after the celebration of the Köbenhavn’s successful return saw many of the younger participants trying to shake off their hangovers. Luke took the opportunity for fewer interruptions to tour the new settlement with Captain James, Captain Andersen, and Ludwig Steinbrecher and see what had already been accomplished in the short time he’d been gone. He wisely started at the fort, while his legs were still fresh.
Karl was justifiably proud with what his men had accomplished. From atop the main bastion he pointed out the new features. “When you left, we were just finishing the palisade. We now have all four cannons mounted to cover the entire waterfront. Any attackers would have to face plunging shot to even get close to the settlement.” Luke considered the view from an approaching sailor’s view and nodded agreement. Karl turned toward the fort’s interior and pointed toward an earthen mound with a door. “The ammunition is all safely stored in that bunker and the nearby well has a plentiful supply of sweet water. The main blockhouse can shelter everyone in the settlement and we have enough men to man all four walls, if needed. When we finished this two weeks ago, I sent the militia to help the miners starting to excavate the main mine shaft. The ground there is ideal for digging and they are already down to the first signs of ore!”
This was the first news that Luke had that progress had been that swift. “I don’t recall seeing any hoist gear. How are they getting down into the shaft?”
Ludwig Steinbrecher pointed toward the east. “See that fill there?” Looking closely, Luke could just make out that there was an evenness that was man made, along the hillside, extending toward the harbor. “That’s the spoil that’s already been excavated. We’re going in at a gradual angle. It takes more framing, but we’ll be able to haul ore out with carts, instead of hoists and buckets. In the long run, it will be more efficient and we can run tracks right down to the harbor to load directly onto the ships. If you can follow the line of the fill, it will intersect down at the harbor where those men are driving in the pilings.” When they had arrived, Luke had wondered why pilings were being set so far from the landing.
He was impressed by the progress. “How soon will you be able to start really mining the ore?”
Ludwig paused, “We should see the first significant amounts later next month. The real question is; what do you plan to do with it, once it’s above ground?” All three men faced Luke, waiting for the answer to the question they had all been contemplating since the previous evening’s announcements.
Luke borrowed Karl’s sword and started sketching a map on the bare ground. Pointing with the tip of the sword he explained, “Here’s Christianburg and here’s the coal mines in Cape Breton. Both have good harbors for loading, but they’re too small for more heavy
industries.” He stabbed the sword into a spot on the southeast coast of Newfoundland. “This is where I plan to ship the coal and iron ore to be turned into usable iron. The harbor is protected and the surrounding countryside is suitable for heavy operations. We’ll bring the coal in and convert it to coke there. Likewise, the iron ore and limestone will be shipped in and it will all be converted to pig iron. Eventually, we’ll start making steel there and just ship the finished product back to Denmark.’
Luke leaned on the sword for support. His feet were feeling the effects of too much time on land. “When the resupply ships arrive later this summer, that’s where the new workers will go.” And now for the hard part. He had to approach this very carefully. “Thomas, you’ll need to stay here and lead that work, now that Sir Thomas is gone. Your mate will have to sail the Henrietta Marie to Hudson’s Bay.” Captain James started to protest, but Luke cut him off before he could get on a roll. “Thomas, I know you’re a sailor, but you’re the best leader here for the job. We’re simply too stretched to waste your talents simply sailing your ship to a known destination. This job has to succeed if we’re to have a future here.”
Thomas glared at Luke, “Very well, but I’m still not happy about it. What do I do in the meantime for an engineer? I assume Karl’s going with you?”
The flattery worked, as Luke knew it would. “That’s right. He’ll need to get the fort built where we land, before winter. I’ll send him back as soon as we’re ready there to start breaking ground for your site. Svend has made maps and plans for the site and Karl can work with him before we leave to add his thoughts. It should give you enough to keep busy for the rest of this season. We all have to do more than was anticipated. On the voyage out, I plan to leave Diedermann and a few others near where we found the gold to start operations there. I pray they don’t encounter any problems beyond mining. I can’t leave any militia with them. They won’t be needed at Hudson’s Bay until next season and they can get those deposits working now. We’ve lost too much time to try and press on there this year. I’m worried we might all have to return here in the fall if we don’t get resupplied or we can’t acquire adequate food stocks there. The growing season is short enough, and an early frost could be deadly.” Given his normally positive attitude, Luke’s admission that not everything was going well left all of them uneasy. Captain James relaxed as he realized he might get to play the hero if events turned out badly.